Lahkominek lehe "Pakistan" kujjõ vaihõl

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Rida 17:
== Aolugu ==
Maal, miä s'oo ilma aigo om Pakistan, om olnuq mitmit muistitsit kultuurõ, muuhulgan Mehrgarhi kultuur [[kiviaig|noorõmbast kiviaost]] ja [[pronksiaig]]nõ [[Indusõ oro tsivilisats'uun]].
<!-- Subsequently it was the recipient of Hindu, Persian, Indo-Greek, Islamic, Turco-Mongol, Afghan and Sikh cultures through several invasions and/or settlements. As a result, the area has remained a part of numerous empires and dynasties including the Indian empires, Persian empires, Arab caliphates, Mongol, Mughal, Durrani Empire, Sikh and British Empire. Pakistan gained independence from the British Empire in 1947, after a struggle for independence led by Muhammad Ali Jinnah that sought the partition of British India and the establishment of a new independent state for the Muslims from the Muslim majority, eastern and western, regions of India. Initially a dominion, with the adoption of new constitution in 1956 Pakistan became an Islamic republic. In 1971, an armed conflict in East Pakistan resulted in secession of East Pakistan as Bangladesh.
== Poliitiga ==
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