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SeletüsPythagorean pairs.svg
English: This is a demonstration of traditionalist based bias as one may argue that Pythagorean triples should be represented as (a, b, c). In fact c is redundant because it can be calculated as square root of (a2 + b2). On the other hand it is a bias approach to reduce the inherent properties of the nodes to a single key as done in 2011 in file:Pythagorean.tree.svg.
nimetämine – Piät näütämä teosõ autorit sammamuudu, nigu tuud om tennüq autor vai litsendsiandja (tuu man tohe-ei tegüdäq võlssarvosaamist, nigu nä tugõnuq sinno vai tuud, et sa teost pruugit).
sammamuudu jagaminõ – Kui tüütlet, kujondat ümbre vai arõndat matõrjaali edesi, sis piät uma tüü levitämises pruukma samma litsentsi, mink all om alguperänd, vai kokkopasvat litsentsi.
Pythagorean pairs presented as a succession of the generations 1 to generation 4 of the related primitive [[:en:Pythagorean triple|]]s as an alternative codifications of the Berggrens's three
Seon teedüstün om lisateedüst, miä om arvadaq peri pildinudsijast, digikaamõrast vai pilditoimõndusprogrammist. Ku teedüstüt om peräst timä tegemist muudõt, sis pruugi-i taa teedüs inämb õigõ ollaq.